D3: The Plinth!

The plinth for the touch-screen arrived today... Unfortunately, it wasn't sized up correctly. Some how the measurments had gone remiss.

d3-bic carpentor03.jpg

Here, the exhibition designer at ACMI, Bich and her carpenter measure up the touchsreen.

d3-bic carpentor02.jpg

Re-measuring the plinth... The touchsreen doesn't fit in the console bay. We need to frame the exterior of the screen to ensure people don't mess with the controls quite accessible from the front.

Also, the angle of the plinth is too low. We do need a reasonable angle to ensure people don't spend their whole experience of the interactive staring at the touch screen.


See the base? That's a tile from the gallery floor. The plinth will be bolted to it, all cables running down the central column and into the floor I suspect.

Posted on June 14, 2003