Where is Andrew?
Haven't received those CDs, replies to your emails, phone calls, that Clatterbox submission? Haven't seen me much around ACMI, taking coffee on Elizabeth St, walking across Fitzroy Gardens or charging down Little Bourke St on my pushbike? Where the hell have I been?
I have been in front of 'Space', a VAIO PCG-FX880K, long enough...
And I have been here, in my studio... apart from a small number of actual jobs, I've been producing a few songs of mine - a side-project with singer, Mark Tallon.
I have been getting kind of delirious... Justina commented how much we look forward to tomorrows coffee today!
The main project? Aiming to have the first Son of Science album completed by the end of July. Then I will shave!
And I have spent a great deal of the past few weeks working with Justina and Grant on getting our ICT Rights & Policy site up and running. We were recipients of a small grant through the Association for Progressive Communications.
Just as we got this one out we were working on the soon to be released smithstreet.org with the Collingwood Action Group. And early last week we finally got the Rowville-Lysterfield History Project make-over online... we upgraded the WOK entirely... in fact, we replaced it with MoveableType 2.661.
Then there's preperations for the perfomance of Drift Theory in Brisbane at the end of the month and the beginning of what promises to be a brief mid-year holiday for Justina and I.
I haven't been out a great deal and to be honest, have wanted to... There is enough to be getting on with, particularly as I squeeze every free time into my music and having an exhillerating time with it too.
That said, I went off into the late Sunday evening and attended Environ at Loop. More on this later... But for now, I must say I was quite moved by the first 10-15 minutes of the 2nd half of the evening, when Steve performed. The visuals were truly beautiful. The faces one can see through the "mask" is actually one of the musicians. Tiny security cameras were strategically placed around the performance spaces.
Actually, I spent a day at ACMI last week. Riding back I stopped down a nearby lane and photographed a few stencils.
I don't believe it... Do you?
Here's one I've been carrying in my phone for well over a year! It's a haiku Justina SMS'd upon arriving in Singapore, 13-Mar-2003, 08:32:32.
mist blows to rain sky,
sunflowers beckon the dawn,
singapore rooftop smoking terrace
This one I gave a slight dose of over-saturation, but its actually quite weird without it. The single-eye egg seems to be part of a series of pieces that have only recently appeared in the area.
The text on the left declares, "The revolt has already begun." These walls are well informed.
It is 4:56 am and after a project meeting earlier in the day, email catchup and action lists through the evening, a stack of letter writing and a bit of work on the album, I have had quite enough!
[It's now 5:55 and I've been tinkering with this posting, amidst a spot of reading, for an hour... so it goes... I have been a person of little sleep since the dawn of self-awareness.]
You look like an Anarctic explorer!
not anymore... beard was deleted a couple of weeks ago.
well, well well... here i am at netti's and see you on the computer.. and you do look like an an explorer! well you did! loved your line .. "person of little sleep since self awareness..." maybe that's what's happened to me lately? i sleep less and less.. too much to do! Looking forward to your new album.. you are my 'son of science'! love you so very much and everyone else should too! And I bet they do! .... from your mum (and sister on the keyboard)
+ Garton's PODCAST
+ Garton's MySpace
+ secession records
SPAA Fringe & CBAA
myspace video
On being an adult
Graz Radio Helsinki
Something on the other side
[madebeer1] has left
a week in words
the patton
from old new
Public domain drain
Interview: Australia, where technology plays the role of spoilsport
Punk Commons
Road to Rio
Toy Satellite/Secession
PO Box 1681
Collingwood, 3066, Australia
Tel/Fax: +61 (0) 3 9318 1222
ag @ toysatellite.org