Tribute to John Peel released
Some months back I was encouraged, via the Audiomulch mailing list, to submit a piece to a John Peel tribute album. It's turned out to be a net release, which I'd been informed of, but we'd heard nothing of its release. A quick hunt via the Internet Archive and sure enough, there it is!
Lucidity (.mp3) was released under Son of Science and had been composed by Steve Law and myself. In fact, it was a slice out of a rehearsal session we'd recorded early last year. I can't believe it was that long ago. It was only April 2004 that we launched the Son of Science Ensemble and we've only played twice since!
The entire collection is the first of an "on-going netlabel music tribute, where artists contribute a piece of their music, as a way of respect to the legacy of John Peel, and to showcase exciting music new and old."
Steve on John Peel:
"I never had the opportunity to hear John Peel's radio show, but have known of him for almost as long as I have been interested in music. Radio was vital to my early discovery of non-mainstream music (and coming from Melbourne I was lucky to have access to some fine public radio), and John Peel was instrumental in getting obscure music heard by large numbers of people, and fostering the idea of non-mainstream music programmes. His live "Peel sessions" were legendary, and he had the uncanny knack of noticing unique talent very early on. May his legacy live on in radioland all over the world..."
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