

A small group of us were on an evening drive... I was straddling the side of the jeep with a high powered light when the driver suddenly pulled over and plucked from the side of the road a blade of grass... this delightful Chameleonhe found there... how he could see it in pitch darkness, with only the lights from his jeep, amazed all of us.

A couple of nights later I met him in the bar and he asked how I was going... I told him I'd never felt better. He replied that I should keep my smile, take it back home, and teach those that don't to smile.


Posted on March 25, 2006


That green thing looks weird. Can you eat it?

Posted by: Craig on April 08, 2006

No, not at all... how could you eat something so beautiful?

Posted by: ag on April 09, 2006