OMA: Ausländer und Staatenlose is the outcome of a project-based Master of Arts investigating the use of the Internet for the creation and production of a virtual opera.
This website documentation and associated materials, provides an insight into the process of writing, scoring and wiring the opera for online access.
Submitted by Andrew Garton
for Master of Arts Research
Centre for Animation and Interactive Media
Department of Visual Communication
Faculty of Art, Design and Communication
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
August 2000, Graduated December 2001
Supervised by David Atkinson and John Power under the guidance and support of Associate Professor John Bird.
The true heart of this project resides in the collective support I have received from many remarkable people, particularly my mother, Annemarie Garton Mesh, my brothers, Rod and Shane, my sisters, Grace and Annette, and my partner, Justina Curtis.
A big thanks for encouragement, moral support to the person who believed and trusted me enough to get me into the MA/Ph.D. program, Professor John Bird.
A hearty thank you for support and inspiration to Stelarc, Jagdish Parikh, Heidi Grundmann and Bob Adrian (KunstRadio), John Smithies (Cinemedia).
Special thanks also to Rod Garton, David Atkinson, John Power, David Cox, Justina Curtis and Monika Wunderer for their invaluable assistance with editing and proofing of the libretto, research papers and articles.
Academic support selflessly provided by Rhonda Smithies, David Atkinson, John Power, Jeremy Parker, Robyn Blake and Bill Gregory.
Special thanks to Karen and Paul (GreenNet), Vaclav and Karel (Econnect), Gerfried and Horst (Ars Electronica), Pasha and Sergey (GlasNet) for their assistance with site mirroring.
Technical assistance and advice was graciously provided by Colin Renwick (Minihub), Bruce Morrison (c2o), Brian Simpson (WiredAudio), Tim and Peter Cole (SSEYO), Nick Treweek, Adam Burns (Netstorm) and Andrew Sargeant (Chrome Spanner Interactive).
Over the past decade, during which this project was conceived and produced, I must thank the following for their tireless support: Paul Wilson, David Nerlich, Robert Iolini, Jagdish Parikh, Pang Wee, Micheal Ney, Kathleen Williamson, Kim Bounds, Ian Peter, Ludwig Zeininger, Elizabeth Zimmermann, Ollie Olsen, Sergio Messina, Andrew Thomas, Jeremy Yuille, Jary Nemo, Andy Bagley, Param Berg, Sean and Jenny, Stewart Ewings, Nik Jeanes, Russell Hibbs and Martin Mesh.
This project would not have been possible with out the support provided by SSEYO Ltd and WiredAudio.
Andrew Garton |

Elena Garton (1903 - 1972)

Ausländer Micro, produced 1998

Fierce Throat, God's Tears Europa

Tat Fat Size Temple, 1999

Dedicated to Alex Garton (1923 - 1983) |