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Generation: A Digital Aesthetic PDF

Andrew Garton

Master of Arts Research
Centre for Animation and Interactive Media
Faculty of Art, Design and Communication
RMIT University

April 1996

With the Internet fast becoming ubiquitous in the developed world, artists are finding new ways to not only express themselves, but to communicate with each other across geographically remote, and often politically volatile, regions of the World, often helping each other to meet and collaborate with like-minds.

This paper and presentation is an overview of creative processes evolving through computer networks, the interactions and simulated communities that spawn from them and, more significantly, the art that is the process of remote interaction itself.

The Masters project Ausländer und Staatenlose is about generative art, whereby computers, within a networked environment such as the World Wide Web, are used as an enhancer or, generator of new media content in concert with communities of collaborating artists.

Presented at Digital Aesthetics, Sydney 9 - 14 April 1996. It was accompanied by an original generative underscore.

The presentation opened with the lecture room in complete darkness. A single torchlight was used on my face whilst I performed a piece from Ausländer und Staatenlose.

This paper was presented a second time under the title, Web as Generative Art, at the Masters of New Media Lecture Series, RMIT University, 2 May 1996. It was published in the first issue of Octarine, an independent zine produced in Brisbane, Queensland, 1996.

© 1995 - 2000 A. Garton & Garton Family