MMTK Video

"Make ICT Training Work For You" was commissioned by the Association for Progressive Communications and was designed to:

  • describe the origins of the MMTK;
  • identify the project partners;
  • how the MMTK had been created;
  • how it can be used, and;
  • what it will develop into.

The video consists of:

  • voice over;
  • descriptive text;
  • storyboard style graphics
  • Creative Commons licensed artwork, music and photos;
  • logos and credits.

It was originally intended that the presentation be a multiplatform Impress/Powerpoint document. The treatment was conceived and structured towards a video should funding become available. As production commenced it was decided to go straight to video and work within the limits of the budget available.

Additional production resources were made available by the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, including editing facilities.





MMTK Video