Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 12:51:23 +1000 (EST)
To: studio@toysatellite.org
From: Don Pattenden
Subject: Newcastle to Taree
Well here I am in Taree, in a computer shop in the shopping centre, looking
out at the beautiful sunny day. Whoopeeeee!!! As soon as I've finished this
I'm off - pedalling north again, in the direction of Port Macquarie.
Probably camp somewhere in the bush tonight (a "freebie"!) cos the weather
is so good. Expect to be PM tomorrow. For the first time, I'm paying for
this by the hour, so please pardon the typos, and a fairly brief letter this
time. Next stop I'll check out the local library. Maybe they have a free
service as in Newcastle.
Oh by the way, I am running Eudora from the floppy that Peter set up for me
in Gosford - works like a charm! But I was a bit too smart!!! I forgot about
all of the messages that Bryce sent out for me when I left Newcastle (from a
copy of the floppy) - they were all still set up cued to go in the out tray.
So as soon as I gave the command to check my mail -- whoosh!!!! Out they
all went for the 2nd time!! So if you got a message from me you've already
received, aplogies!
Here is a quick outline of my movements since leaving Newcastle.
Saturday 26/7/97
Depart Merewether, Newcastle at 11 AM.
Rode into the city, got the ferry across to Stockton, thus cutting a bit off
the trip to Nelson Bay. Then a very pleasant ride to NB on a warm sunny day.
Caravan Park
Ferry across to Tea Gardens in a downpour! Arrived dripping wet!! Weakened
and paid for an on-site van ($25 ouch!!)
Tea Gardens to Bulahdelah. Nice caravan park, good weather.
To Seal Rocks, in the wet. Started as a light shower, then gradually
increased to constant heavy rain. Last 6km along a (by then muddy) dirt
road. Terrible. Arrived at SR dripping wet and cold, everything splattered
with mud!!! Put up my tent in the rain for the first time. A new experience.
3 days of hell!!!
Stuck in Seal Rocks waiting for the rain to stop!
(Oh except for one sunny afternoon when I at last got a chance to see the
sights -- beautiful area, wonderful beach; went for a ride to the lighthouse
& came home with a flay tyre - my first on the whole trip so far!!!)
Boy did it rain!!! Down in buckets. But my dear little tent came through it
with flying colours, except for some damp patches on the floor. Thanks to
the thermarest the sleeping bag stayed dry!!
Seal Rocks to Forster (pronounced Foster - why?)
Sun out at last!!! The dirt road was dry again. Brief look at Boomerang
Beach (beautiful!) on the way through. YHA Hostel.
In the hostel, really appreciating the luxury after the Seal Rocks
experience. Some sightseeing (I like Forster, a nice town) all my washing
done; tent etc. dried on the clothes line.
All morning packing!!! (Groan! That's what happens when I do washing, and
unpack EVERTHING!) Start riding at 2 PM. Easy ride to Hallidays Point. One of the best caravan
parks I've stayed in.
Glorious sunny day!!! 21 degs max!! A hint of spring!! Oh joy!! Lunch on the
beach before deparing from HP, watching the waves breaking on the rocks, my
favorite occupation (well, one of them!!)
Easy ride to Taree in warm sunshine.
Book in at Exchange Hotel, small single room for $12, but reasonably
comfortable. No kitchen but used my Tranjia (to cook my usual coffee &
porridge) in my room. Probably agin the rules, but what they don't know
won't hurt them!!
Decided to stay an extra night to get a few things done, shopping admin,
letters etc. Also see the sights. Taree is in the Manning Valley, by the
river; very nice. Never been here before. I like it.
Which brings me to the present. Lots and lots more I could tell you, but
this is ticking up on the clock. Probably owe them heaps already ($10 per
hour) and besides I am itching to be on the road again.
The only low point of this leg was the Seal Rocks experience, but I must say
I felt very satisfied coming through it OK. Proves once again that things
work out OK. One of my biggest dreads was having to put up my tent in the
wet and endure really soaking rain for days on end. So, another big fear
deflated. "What we fear we precipitate" (quote from my yoga teacher. Really
true!!! Lots more big fears still, re. things that COULD happen, but I
won't even whisper them in case it makes them happen.
Gotta get out of here.
I have downloaded all of my incoming email onto my floppy disk, and printed
some of them. Will read them later. So if you've written to me, please be
patient. Will reply in due course. And once again, if you've had a message
twice, don't worry; just trash the copy.
I'm really glad I decided to do this. It is by far the biggest adventure of
my life!!!!!
Write to Don Pattenden
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