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Towards Generative Sound for Interactive Multimedia PDF

Andrew Garton

Master of Arts Research
Centre for Animation and Interactive Media
Faculty of Art, Design and Communication
RMIT University

October 1996

Generative sound is derived from mathematical formulae creating new sonic structures from a simple set of instructions.

This paper outlines the processes that were devised for the generative score and sound design for OMA: Ausländer und Staatenlose. It explores in brief the influence of artists in the development of digital media and the role chance plays in the evolution of creative ideas.

In particular, the paper focuses on the generative software, KoanPro, which the author has used extensively throughout the course of his research.

The body of work developed as a result of this research, Lost Time Accident, was chosen as the merit award winner in the Time-Based category of the CAT 3rd Digital Imaging Awards, 1996, Melbourne, Australia. Lost Time Accident was described as "...truly innovative and a great marriage between 'sound' content and technical competence."

The ideas and systems discussed here are further advanced in the papers and lectures titled, The Politics of Dissonance, Lost in Sound and Sound Breeding.

An article derived from this paper, Lost Time Accidents: A journey towards self-evolving, generative music, was published by Some Such, Journal of New Musique Australia (December 1996).

© 1995 - 2000 A. Garton & Garton Family