June 10, 2002

What's going on here?

This is an attempt at writing in amidst hectic schedules, travelling and widely dispersed collegues towards a personal history of my life with computers.

Each entry will be riddled with errors. But that's just part of the process... and so it should be. At this stage I'm not sure whether I'll update each chapter as I come across errors, or re-post them individually, thereby keeping a record of drafts. This is part of the process too, coming to terms with online writing and the software that makes it possible.

Writing on the Web is a whole lot different to email. I found myself drawing flowcharts of this project well before the writing started. Structuring the content management process was a little tricky, but the beauty of applications like MovableType (which this project utilises) one can change the dynamics of how and where content appears quite easily.

Posted by ag at 05:24 PM | Comments (0)