October 23, 2002
DOODS response
This piece, from an ol' dear friend, in response to the DOODs inspired haiku deserves a space of its own. Thanks Nick, via NY.
blest screeching firetruck
across road krishna drums
a timpani of souls
October 22, 2002
DOODS Haikus
Inspired by the work of the Department of Ongoing Digital Situations (DOODS), I found the urban haiku lurking beneath my pen, drawn from the lanes of Melbourne's CBD.
Lane derive escapes
as concrete mouths hunger...
Graffiti lingers.
The haiku in me
In recent months I have revived an interest in haikus, partly through work I have been doing with the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. In Haiku Daily, I hope to maintain a record of personal, collaborative and spontaneous haikus.
The idea is to build up a record of momentary events that may build up a series of scripts to be interpreted visually. Having just completed my first video haiku, I am motivated to maintain this interest as it evolves into a passion.
Sunday morning
A collaborative haiku written on a dance floor, the middle three lines written by an unknown person who grabbed the paper and pen, adding his own stream... Thanks to Paul White for paper and pen and for the Earthdance crew for putting on a stonker of a night!
driven to,
empty drain pulse
becoming me...
feeling the revelt
and alsways pushing
to the note...???
h2o quenches...
below Bali
still the weeping.
2 haiku found in [an email] worth pasting...
Via dns@c2o.org and ag@toysatellite.org:
vaguely intriguing
using algorithms to
generate genre...
in manila. it's
monsoon season so they skies
are heavy with rain.