GPS dev    

project description




project description is a Toy Satellite software development project exploring 3D representation of Global Positioning System data, as well as the use of this information to map personal narratives, both visual and aural.



(note, there are trademark issues with this name)

GyPSey is a GPS navigation tool where one can 'steer' a 3D representation of the Earth to any GPS coordinate, at any given moment in time. It will also provide an accurate representation of the orbit of GPS satellites from the requested location at the time the coordinates were tracked/recorded.

An offshoot of this project is 3D representation of the Earth and the immediate solar system with GPS capabilities as a spatially orientated graphic user interface. This interface has the possibility of being developed into a highly sophisticated tool for the storage, retrieval, and dissemination of data with global implications.

It is envisaged this project would be designed for and compiled within the Quake game engine.

Memory Effect

Memory Effect is a series of ten compositions at the core of which are three synthesised voices, each comprised of a tone generator, a particle synthesiser (granulator) and delay.

Each iteration of a Memory Effect composition is defined by the GPS coordinates of the location it was recorded in, (e.g. Memory Effect 002 S27°31.479' E153°06.672' - private location, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia).

Images depicting the location of GPS satellites at the time of the inception of each composition are appended to it. A series of photos taken within the vicinity of the recording and recording environment place the piece within a physical and annecdotal context.

GPS coordinates and eventually time and elevation details document the moment(s) in which a single iteration is archived. This also records the movement of new compositional possibilities available to the nomad (digital) composer/producer, a personal trail of creative trajectories.


© 2002 Toy Satellite and CGCC