Alt News

Women, Development and Environment

Chandra Dunn invites assistance in the creation of a web site designed to provide access to materials about the lives and struggles of women in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific Ocean.

The aim is to establish a network dedicated to the advancement of women in the Third World - socially, politically and economically with an emphasis on development and environment. The focus is specifically on women living outside North America or Western Europe, whose voices and experiences to date are not well represented on the wider Internet. The site will encourage the exchange of ideas, linking to women's work in improving the quality of their lives and their communities.

To this cause, Chandra asks for web sites and email addresses of women's organisations or individuals in the Third world which can be linked to from this network. Also requested are written materials, such as position papers, articles, newsletters, pamphlets, and other types of documents produced by individuals and groups in the developing and under-developed world, which can be published on the forthcoming site.

Contributions should be addressed to:

Chandra Dunn
Dept. of Politics and Women's Studies
Mount Holyoke College,
South Hadley, MA, USA

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